2020 APLA Career Fair

2020 APLA Career Fair

2020 APLA Career Fair

2020 APLA Career Fair

Each spring, CADC Career Services invites practicing firms in the fields of architecture, interior architecture, landscape architecture, and environmental design to participate in the annual School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture Career Fair. While the fair is organized for APLA students, it is open to all majors, and students in related disciplines are encouraged to attend.

Multiple deliverables were designed using a cohesive visual identity based on letterforms of the event’s date in numerals (02.05.2020).

Oversized posters advertised the fair to students on campus, while social media posts served as reminders leading up the event. A welcome reception, held the night before the fair to welcome firms who had traveled for the occasion, required a postcard to spread the word and signage to identity the reception’s location.

On the day of the fair, firms were guided to the proper parking location by stake signs placed throughout Auburn’s campus. A parking pass was provided to firms as they entered the lot.

Directional signage guided firms and students to and throughout the building while floor plan signage provided participants with the fair’s layout.

Each firm was provided with name tags for attending representatives and a table tent displaying the firm’s name and hiring objectives.

Lunch was provided to participating firms and required labels to identify each food item. Two types of labels were designed—flat and tent—to accommodate the catering setup.

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